We are the World

Its a blog on Emerging Technologies, Music, Film reviews. Have to name this blog as "We are the world" as that particular song is one of my all time favourite written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie and sung by Multi-artist group of Dianna ross, Ray charles,Steve wonder,etc.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Thiruvanamalai Siddhar

Siddhars prominently found in nountain ranges of TN are known for their internal powers. The below video is taken by electricity board employee @ Thiruvanamalai, very famous for Ramana Maharishi Ashram shows something very peculiar about them. He spotted a siddhar who was walking on air and started shooting video using his Mobile. Siddhar flew away like rocket was something amusing that he has shot in this video. unbelievable though...

Link for the Video


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